Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Money for nothing -- the allowance question

We decided a while back that it might be a good idea to teach our kid about the value of money and responsibility and saving by giving her an allowance. The Bank of Me, Husband and Co. decided to bestow the generous sum of five dollars a week on said child, after taxes. The allowance, we agreed, would not be contingent on chores or household participation (those she just has to do for the joy of doing them) and we'd sit back and watch her grow into a fiscally responsible human being.

link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/parenting/detail?&entry_id=24973


Ann Medina said...

I don't think these parents picked the right age for the kid to be taught or tested on the value of money. She's only six years old. I don't even remember what I did with my money when I was six. All I cared about was recess and cartoons. Stuff that money can't buy..

Ali said...

I agree with what Ann was saying. This girl is extremely young, for her to not care about the money and mix it up with gold coins means she is not learning the value money contains. Yes, it is just a piece of paper, but she should understand what money is before it is giving to her. The fact that when she asked whether she would wait until her birthday, or save up money proves that she doesn't understand the concept. Although, I wouldn't have minded haaving that money when I was six saved in a bank account for when I got older :-P