Sunday, November 18, 2007

E-Cash Silencing the Jingle of Change - Japan Times

E-cash silencing the jingle of change

Staff writer

Since major electronic money services emerged in 2001, it has become common in Tokyo for people to go through ticket gates by just touching a smart card to electronic readers at train stations and to make small purchases without pulling out their wallets at convenience stores. Japan's cash-based tradition is changing. Following are some basic facts about e-money

1 comment:

Susie said...

I definitely think e-money is a new and exciting cultural phenomenan. I feel that the it encourages shopping as oppose to credit cards, beacuse the money has already been spent so you will not be in debt. Since many people in the U.S. are use to spending with debit cards and credit cards issued by finacial istitutions it is easy to track where you are putting your money. I am curious to know if you can track all the locations where you spend your e-money or if someone steels your e-money.