Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lincoln portrait made out of pennies

Jeff Haber, left, and son Danny show off their creation, a portrait of Abraham Lincoln made with pennies. The Habers used 2,400 coins to create the portrait, which they are donating to New Rochelle High School. Danny Haber is a sophomore there.


gianna said...

How clever. Pennies put to use!
It is an interesting note that the pennies are different shades and therefore better to use in a work of art.

Angelina Fierro said...

Using money as art can be pretty! A penny seems so worthless but when in a work of art like this its amazing. It just goes to show how anything can be art when in the right hands!

Anonymous said...

It's funny. Some of my nit-picky customers don't like to take the "dirty" change. It looks too grimey or something-- it lessens the aesthetic value to them.

But sometimes I even catch myself going for the brighter change when giving it to people. Or-- for the mean customers-- I tend to give them the wrinkled bills or something.

But is good to see some people using the shades of money in a neat way.

Raquel said...

Heck, if you're not going to spend the pennies, use them for art. I'm starting to really love all these connections of money and art; the trompe l'oeil money paintings are just fascinating to me. I just love how artists have used the illusion of the painting itself to draw attention to the illusion of money and its value and functions. Like the Boggs notes, this portrait, if weren't donated, I'm guessing would probably be worth more than $24. And, it's because we could and choose to assign a different, perhaps higher, value to something that it makes the many ideas of money all the more interesting.

Ann Medina said...

This is way cool. Did anyone read the part about the history of the penny located on the right side of the article? I used to have a silver penny that I considered to be my good luck charm. I lost it about a year ago, but if I find it I'll bring it to class.

Susie said...

I like this because it shows pennies have power!

Debby B. said...

This is a really unique idea. I think it says something that it's made of pennies and not nickels or dimes. Pennies are typically viewed as worthless, but these guys made it worth something. It almost makes me want to go make something amazing out of the pennies sitting in my piggy bank.

Angela said...

Seems amusing and interesting to use a bunch of little Lincoln to construct a much larger Lincoln. =)

DebbieA said...

I think it's interesting to note that although pennies ARE really money and therefore are supposed to have "meaning" in and of themselves people here are talking about how only through art are pennies "put to use" , "amazing" or have any "power". Just a thought.

I wonder what would happen if somebody made art out of $100 bills what people would think...

brandon nguyen said...

So this is what you can do with 24 dollars worth of pennies.

Saba Arastu said...

Its funny how people when they clean out their houses/ apartments and find pennies tend to throw them away, at least I know of some people who have done that. It's good to know that people are putting pennies to use and showing us that they are not as worthless as many of may think they are.