Friday, January 25, 2008

Photoshopping Bills Over Celebrity's Head

Currently there is a trend of taking a folded paper money and overlapping it onto a picture of someone. The results are quite fun to look at. Here's a fun little site that is holding a contest in which a person photoshops parts of a paper currency over a photo of a celebrity. I thought I would share it with every because I had a fun time looking over the very neat pictures.


Angela Khai said...

Thank you for finding this. I found it quite amusing and had quite a chuckle for some of the picture/money. The Jack Nicholson/$100 bill one I thought looked really well made. =)

brandon nguyen said...

LOL. What a great post. Some of them are really good. Its amazing with what people do and can do in their free time. (the julia roberts one is hideous :]).

Debby B. said...

Wow, some of those pictures were definitely entertaining. I actually laughed out loud at the enormous picture of Mr. Bean, and it's amazing how well some of the faces fit with the dollar bill. I think that putting Captain Jack Sparrow with a mouth of a woman is amusing.

Saba Arastu said...

I think its so funny that celebrities are fitting with money, it's ironic because they are the ones with the most money in today's society