Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wedding Dollar Dance

This is the project space for Janis Martinez, Ana Urzua, and Magaly Guerra. You may post material for discussion, sharing, and comments as "comments" to this post, as well as images, etc.


Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a video I found showing the Wedding dollar dance... You can see the bride taking the money from the person who is gonna dance with her and stuffing it in her bra... lol


- Magaly G.

Belinda Uy said...

Hey guys, your presentation was really interesting.

I just wanted to say that in Asian cultures, from what I know, the gift giving of money is like taking care of your community...I think this is one of the reasons why it is not viewed as tacky in some cultures.

For instance, gift giving can be seen as the community helping pay for your child's wedding and once someone else's child is married, you return the favor by helping pay for their wedding. It's people helping people and relying on the community for support.

I just thought it was an interesting concept and how there are strong ties to community and obligation.

Also, some people in Asian communities decide how much to give at a wedding based on how much that family gave at their child's wedding.

If you are attending the wedding and the wedding party has never gifted to you before or you are not as close to them, the general understanding is that your gift should represent the value of the meal you are eating.

I hope this helps!