Sunday, January 20, 2008

Did You Know... Money isn't always just money

from the Orange County Register
Welcome to an occasional feature explaining science in Orange County. Science editor Gary Robbins introduces UC Irvine anthropologist Bill Maurer, who explains how money can have religious and cultural meaning. (Follow the links to the slide show)


Anonymous said...

I thought this video made the point that money does have cultural and religious meaning.It made me think about how I recieve money and what I think about when I do. The idea behind the Chinese new year card can be applied to other cards. I never fully understood that a card containing money in the form of birthday, christmas, or graduation cards as someone wishing me prosperity and good luck. I was always thankful for the cash and I found a deeper connection through what the person acutally wrote in the card. However, the meaning the money in a card contains is important too. Due to tradition, money in cards seem ordinary and sometimes impersonal, but they do carry significance.

Also, I liked the video because it focused on our class!


gianna said...

I appreciated the point about Orange County being very diverse, even though it is not perceived that way.
We can observe so many various cultures and traditions in our county that allow us to learn more about the larger world.


Raquel said...

It is so very true that money carries cultural meanings and very often merges with other domains as the video stated. Recently I was talking to my mother about the final project for this class and she quickly named several of our family's traditions and other practices of Mexican culture that involve money (I would name some but I actually do not even know the Spanish spellings! I'm embarrassed about that, too). Until now, honestly, I have never really given thought as to where and why those activities began. I am rather excited to research, explore and share these practices that I realize I have a lot to learn about myself!


Ann Medina said...

The video summarized what I learned in class and made me look at money as something with meaning beyond its monetary value. It amazes me how this piece of paper can shape or create a culture.

- Ann Medina

brandon nguyen said...

The slideshow really puts this class in a real world perspective. The things we discuss and learn in the class resonates in the world we live in and that makes the class that much more interesting and worthwhile!!


Anonymous said...

The video was interesting in that it provided a sense of realism and diversity of money as a form of both commodity and cultural relevance. The fact that Orange County is diverse in Chinese as well as other ethnicities gives this class a better spectrum to view how money and culture are tied in as was stated in the case of Santa Ana and the religious ties with money.